Montrose Bay High School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 4
Principal's Report
Dear Families,
Welcome to our term two, week four newsletter. Our newsletter comes out every week four and nine of each term. It is emailed to our families that are on our email list and is also uploaded to Facebook and available in printed copy at our front office. We also celebrate learning and share news every day on our Facebook Page and reminders on the digital signage on the Brooker Highway.
Staffing updates
- Jamie Kieliszek has won an acting AST position at Hobart City HS
- Dave Watkins has won this position and has joined us on Grade 10 as AST
- Graeme Quinn has won an acting AST position at Cosgrove HS
- Adam Gordon and Brian Green have joined our teaching team and are teaching MDT as well as Foods/Catering/PE
Grade Support Structures
Our grade teams have not changed this term except for Mr Watkins joining the Grade 10 team as grade coordinator with Mr Cook. Our grade coordinators are your first contact for any concerns that you may have around your child.
Grade 7: Frances Cole AP and Matt Rice AST
Grade 8: Ella Hansson AP and Liam Rice AST
Grade 9: Sam Cure AP and Eli Luttmer AST
Grade 10: Johnathon Cook AP and Dave Watkins AST
Grade 11/12 : Danni Bewley AST
Uniform Changes
We have been working with our student leaders this year around some new and warmer uniform items for our students. So far, they have decided upon a new school beanie and a new ¾ zippered jumper. Now they are also working on a MBHS Hoodie and are currently getting our uniform supplier ID Clothing to mock-up two different samples for us.
The Beanie and jumper should arrive shortly, and we are hoping to have our new MBHS hoodie by the end of this term also. Photos and prices will go up as soon as they arrive.
24 Carrot Garden Project
We have had lots of exciting learning opportunities already happening in this space this year, but we are now drafting our future works around two garden spaces (see below) using existing infrastructure and reaching out into our central courtyard near the canteen.
In our partnership with MONA we have developed a draft plan with students, staff through the Architect firm of Inspiring Place. The attached images show the two locations and the scope of the works. We discussed these at this week’s school association meeting and will go into further detail again at our next meeting on Tuesday 28 June. All parents are welcome to attend our school association meetings.
As always please keep in touch with our school and follow our journey on Facebook and through our school newsletter and school app product. Our website is also in the process of being updated and should go live in the next week or two.
Duncan Groves

Changes to reporting in 2022
This year, you will notice some changes to reporting in Tasmanian Government Schools.
Firstly, you won’t see A-E reporting any more for Prep to Year 10 students.
Most families in Tasmanian Government Schools have told us that A-E reporting isn’t meaningful enough for them so the Department is introducing a new 9-point visual scale.
Along with the visual scale a worded description will be included to help you understand how your child is going against the expected standard for their year level. The 9-point scale will show more specifically where your child is at with their learning. This change won’t apply to students in Years 11 and 12.
The second main change you’ll see is that teachers will be communicating with you more regularly throughout the year instead of providing written comments on reports.
This more regular communication might be through online communication, telephone calls, or face-to-face conversations.
By having more regular information about your child’s learning progress you’ll get a better understanding of how your child is going across the entire school year (not just twice a year).
What you should expect across the school year:
Term 1 | Week 5-8 | Communication focussing on application to learning Or conversation about learning plan goals with families and students |
Term 2 | Week 6-9 | Opportunity for a two or three-way conversation focussing on learning progress, application to learning and wellbeing and/or learning plan goals. |
Term 2 | Week 10 | Mid-year report of learning achievement |
Term 3 | Weeks 6-9 | Opportunity for a two or three-way conversation focussing on learning progress, application to learning and wellbeing and/or learning plan goals. |
Term 4 | Week 9-10 | End of year report of learning achievement |
Families will be supported to understand the new reporting requirements and the changes to mid and end of year reports as they are implemented.
Watch the video introducing the changes: Changes to reporting in 2022
If you’d like to know more about why these changes are occurring, visit Review into Reporting to Families - The Department of Education Tasmania
Grade 7
We have had a busy start to Term Two in Grade 7 with Naplan. In weeks two and three we sat a Reading, Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy test online. Each student tried their best during the weeks to complete these tests to the best of their ability. These results will allow us as a school to track student development and growth in these areas. Across the grade, we have started new units of work in our core classes. In English, students are beginning a new unit studying ‘The Lion King’. Specifically, students are studying how artists and writers create imaginary worlds using shared technology, and how these worlds can be used to portray timeless themes and archetypal characters. This term, students will also study how to write a persuasive piece using PEEL paragraph writing techniques. In HASS, students are studying ancient Egypt. Currently, they are studying how geography influences the formation of a society, such as how the fertile Nile River gave rise to Egyptian civilization. Later, they will be studying ancient Egyptian religion, and how the worship of the Pharoah as a living god sat atop the social hierarchy. In Maths, students have been studying fractions. They have been identifying, comparing, simplifying, adding and subtracting fractions. Students have also been learning where fractions are used in everyday life. In Science, students have been exploring our Solar System and how the Earth interacts with other celestial bodies. Through this, they have been learning about the lunar cycle and the causes of the Earth’s seasons and tidal changes. The staff in Grade 7 have come together to brainstorm ways that will bring more positivity to Grade 7 and recognise students that show the Montrose Mindset. Miss Homewood has initiated merit certificates given out during assemblies our first recipients were Kirk 7A, Amazing 7B, Shanyce 7C, Kim 7D, Anna 7E, and Gabbi 7F. Dean 7A also won our dojo raffle this fortnight for showing the Montrose Mindset. Miss Dwyer and Miss Daglas are setting up an inside lunchtime activity each week as the weather turns cold. This week's activity was origami. These inside lunchtime activities is a great way to make new friends across the grade 7 cohort. We look forward to the term ahead in Grade 7 and if you have any concerns please contact the school on 6208 266 and ask for Miss Frances Cole (Assistant Principal) or Mr Matt Rice (AST-Grade Coordinator) Frances Cole - AP |

Grade 8
It has been great to see students get back into the full swing of school as we approach the halfway point of Term 2. There has been a big focus for the grade 8’s to display the Montrose Mindset, more specifically demonstrating respect in and out of the classroom.
We welcome Adam Gordon and Brian Green to the Grade 8 teaching team. Mr. Gordon will be teaching Grade 8 Health and Well Being, whilst Mr. Green will be teaching MDT. Both have been consistently working with our grade 8 students throughout Term 1 and 2 in various roles and we are lucky to have them join our teaching staff.
In the classrooms, students have been working hard and should be proud of the work that is being showcased. In Humanities, the students have been creating sci-fi narratives and learning about how natural disasters are formed and the devastating impact they can have on communities. In Maths, the students have been tackling algebra, whilst creating rollercoasters to learn about potential and kinetic energy in science.
Finally, a big congratulations to the grade 8 students that represented Montrose Bay High at the inter high athletics carnival.
Liam Rice - AST
Grade 9
Year 9 have hit the ground running to commence Term 2, with students completing their last ever NAPLAN testing. We have farewelled Mrs. Grace O’Brien who has commenced maternity leave and welcome back Mrs. Laura Campbell from maternity leave. Holly Lancaster will be 9E’s new Connect teacher in place of Mrs. O’Brien. For Term 2, we are continuing our focus on students’ working hard by remaining in class, keeping electronic devices off and away all day and demonstrating the Montrose Mindset in everything we do. Our key focus areas fall under our school value of Respect and we’re placing significance on our display of respect by taking care of our place, space and possessions and speaking kindly of ourselves and others.
In each of our newsletters articles, we like to provide you with more detailed information regarding what your child is learning about at school. This week, we have a particular focus in Science and Mathematics. This term in Science students will be learning all about Chemistry and chemical reactions. We have started learning about the properties of atoms and how the elements are arranged in the Periodic Table. So far practical lessons have seen students using models to build representations of atoms and burning ions to see the effect of different sized electron-shells. Over the next few weeks, students will be investigating the properties of acids and bases as well as looking at different chemical reactions. We have started our Mathematics unit on finance and students have been learning how to calculate discounts, pay rises, and salaries. Over the coming weeks we will be looking at how to calculate simple interest, before continuing our number unit by learning about the index laws and how to represent small and large numbers using scientific notation.
We look forward to Year 9 students continuing to represent themselves to their best of their ability in all aspects of school life.
Sam Cure - AP
Grade 10
Year 10 welcomes our new AST Mr Dave Watkins to the team. Mr Watkins is enjoy the opportunity to meet all students.
Students have settled well into Term 2. During this term they will be working on the following subjects. Science will be looking at the Theory of Evolution, Maths will be covering Volume of Surface Area. English - Persuasive Writing students have focused on the recent election.
Senior tops have now arrived and students are looking fantastic in their new uniform.
Year 10
Grade 11 - 12
Hi, my name is Angel and I am currently studying the Community Pharmacy VET Course. By completing this course I will get my Certificate II in Community Pharmacy this year, enabling me to be employed as a Pharmacy Assistant. This term we are doing one day in the classroom and one day on work placement. I am loving my work placement because I am learning to grow in the workplace and am growing as a person as well. I am learning so many new skills every day in the Pharmacy and in the classroom. At work placement I learn about many things such as using the pharmacy register, learning about a variety of medication and I am also learning about diabetes and other medical conditions.

Inter-High Athletics 2022
Yesterday saw the belated inter-high school athletics carnival go ahead for all Southern Schools in Division B. Despite the blistering conditions that the Domain served up, our students showed their courage and aspiration to out-do the other schools. As many students were unable to attend, we required students to enter events that they were not pencilled in for. But, without hesitation they threw their hand up and were willing to have a crack. Congratulations to all students who came on the day. We were the loudest and proudest school to be there. Well done.

Cross Country 2022
The 2022 edition of the MBHS Cross Country was run yesterday in the glorious sunshine along the picturesque foreshore track. Grade 7/8s ran first, with a massive turnout, all spurred on by Mr Lillico’s promise of an icy pole at the finish line.
In the cooling conditions the Grade 9/10s set off at a hot pace and covered the 4.5km track in an impressive time, Mr Lillico was on hand once again to hand out icy poles, which were greatly appreciated by the runners.
Congratulations to all competitors and good luck to those who made the inter high team for next Wednesday.

24 Carrot Garden Program
During Term 2, Year 7s and 8s have had the opportunity to work in the garden during their SEL classes. Since this term is during Autumn, we have been doing lots of harvesting (of tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, squashes, corn, spring onions, beetroot, apples, pears, lettuce just to name a few), preparing garden beds with compost, turning compost heaps, and planting ready for winter.
Now the garden is slowing down a bit and the days are getting colder and wetter. We have some fun creative garden activities to do inside which includes a Year 7 Scarecrow Competition.

Dates to Remember
31st May | After School High School Netball roster commences |
1st June | Inter High Cross Country |
13th June | Public Holiday - Queen's Birthday |
School Notices
Student Unwell-Procedure to follow
Could you please discuss with your student the following procedure if they are feeling unwell?
- Students should not contact their parent/guardian direct when they are unwell.
Talk with their class teacher who will send them to see a Grade Leader. Grade Leaders will contact Student Admin who will callt home and arrange collection. Student Admin will update student attendance accordingly.
When sending a message to advise of an illness, it would be of great assistance if you noted that the absence is NOT COVID RELATED
Student Absence
If your student is absent from school for any reason please notify us as early as possible. You can do this via:
- Student Administration – 6208 2699
- Text message – 0418 137 500
- Schoolzine or Montrose Bay High App
General enquire to school please phone 6208 2666
REMINDER: Early Departure
If you wish to collect your student early please send a note with them on the day or ring before 2.30pm as it becomes quite difficult to get messages to students after this time.
A reminder that students must not use their phones during the school day. If a student needs to go home sick please remind them to go and see their Grade Leader or the office.
Canteen Payments
If your child is ordering food from the canteen, the payment MUST be made via either cash or card. We are unable to accept payment using a phone.
School App
Please sign up for our new school app. Below is a step by step instructions on how to download.
Community Noticeboard
Please see what is happening around the Glenorchy City area.